Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cooking in your cruise ship cabin

It's sad that cruise ships, once known for fine dining, now compete with Waffle House.

The overall quality of the food aboard our last trans-oceanic cruise was absolutely horrid, it made Janet ill!

The food was more than contaminated, it was unappetizing and just plain gross.

I’ve eaten better K-Ration meals in Army mess halls. . . . .

We were served food so gross that our dog would not eat it, like this nasty-ass club sandwich, served with cold, soggy french fries:

To stay healthy for a long voyage, we took to preparing cook cold food in our stateroom.

We were not able to bring foodstuffs aboard the ship during port stops, and we wished that we had the foresight to load up on canned foods (pork and beans, spaghettios, and potato chips) for safe in-room dining.

WARNING: DO NOT attempt to cook hot food in your stateroom.

Cans of Sterno can easily tip, causing a serious fire aboard ship. The trick to staying alive on a long cruise ship is to prepare safe cold food, using uncontaminated ingredients.

Janet was cleaver, and she discovered that you can make your own egg salad in your cabin, using hard boiled eggs, packets of mayonnaise and bread: