Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Elapsed time of large wound healing

Awhile back I had a flesh wound that required over two feet of stitches!

What I did not count on was the massive swelling!

I went golfing a few days after being sewn-up, and I popped out about four inches, leaving a gaping hole in me, revealing my abdominal wall!

Here we see the stitches glistening in the wound, pulled-up as tight as banjo strings:

It's not everyday that you get to see what's under your skin!

It was like the lip window fad, you could see right inside:

The stitching line is a heavy 60 pound test fishing line and the stitches held, but the meat cut loose.

Below, you can see the process of the wound healing.

Here we see that the wound has fully healed:

I had to have the fluids removed with a giant horse needle!

Here is a video of the wound draining process for your viewing enjoyment.