Here is Excelsjor, a pure Polish stallion whose life was cut short when he was kicked to death while trying to breed a mare:

Janet was honored to have owned one of Excelsjor’s most stunning sons, Vaalor, a national champion stallion with amazing beauty and athletic ability. In his day, people shipped their mares to North Carolina from all over the world to breed to him.
After his death in 1998, Janet has been collecting as many Vaalor babies as she can find, a daunting task since there are hundreds of them still alive.
The Great Litigator
There were a few other Excelsjor son’s, and another of our favorites was Litigator, a stunning national champion stallion. Here is a close-up of the immortal Litigator:

We have a Litigator daughter Litianne Bey, and she has an exceptional pedigree with her dam being by a Bey Shah and out of a Raffon daughter.

We bred Litianne to BaskAfire, a *Bask son and produced Praetor, an athletic dressage prospect:

Liti loves babies and two years ago she stole a foal from another mare, bagged-up and started nursing her. Janet and I were at a resort in California and we got a panicked call from the grooms that Dance had given birth a month early and that Liti had “stolen” her foal. Dance was screaming bloody murder and Liti was not about to give-up “her” new baby. Sigh, it took them hours to reunite the proper Mom and baby. . . .
Arabians love babies and whenever a mare goes into labor, all the horses line-up and peek through the cracks in the walls, hoping to catch a glimpse of the newest herd member. We are hoping to breed Liti this years and we have two prospects lined up, Noble Express and GHF Hallmark, 5 time world champion Hackney Stallion.
This is Noble Express, all action, high action:

And of course, Hallmark, who can break-over-level without breaking a sweat. . .