Sunday, April 08, 2007

The history of Easter Eggs

Have an old fashioned Easter

It’s funny to watch religious holidays that have lost their true meaning over the centuries, only to bear little resemblance to their original intent.

I wonder what Easter was like back in the 4th century, when Christians finally took-over Rome? Did they have a Roman Easter Bunny, delivering goose eggs in a toga?

Since Easter coincides with the pagan spring rituals, I’ll bet that they slaughtered a cute baby lamb for a feast.

Today, Easter is extremely confusing, especially to kids, you struggle to understand the religious significance of a bunny dressed like Elton John delivers hard-boiled eggs that reek of vinegar.

Easter is a candy-gorge for kiddies, an opportunity to disembowel a chocolate bunny the size of a housecat. And lets not forget those pastel jelly beans (shat from the chocolate bunny, no doubt), and those gross Cadbury eggs with the candy yolks.

And what, exactly is the religious significance of bunnies who deliver eggs? I have my own theories.

When our kids were little we got about 6 dozen eggs and we boiled them until the smell of sulfur permeated the house. It was then time to open-up the vinegar packets and soak the suckers into pastel colors, where they were deposited in hiding places in the back yard.

Of course, some of the eggs were not found until mid summer when the rotting stench announced their presence from 50 feet away.