Monday, December 08, 2008

Hurricane Devastation tour: The Ike Experience!

I love Grand Turk and I have many friends on this pristine little island, and right now they are suffering from massive destruction from Hurricane Ike.

Their houses are in rubble, plumbing still remains to be fixed and people are forced to poop on the beach, and it’s a huge mess.

Our friends Zeus and Erika were fortunate that the historic Salt Raker survived, still standing since 1830:

But Grand Turk remains a mess and our hearts go out to all of our friend who must now rebuild:

The misery tour!

I saw this today on Princess cruises, the Ike Experience, an excursion devoted to seeing the devastation and misery of others. What sick asswipe thought of this?

"The Ike Experience"

Grand Turk continues to recover from category 4 Hurricane Ike and this unique tour provides an overview of the aftermath and rebuilding efforts. Board your transportation at the pier and traverse the majority of the island. Your driver will share his experiences, identify the historical remnants, and provide background information on everything that relates to both the hurricane and the social, cultural and heritage influences of Grand Turk. The tour includes a 20-minute stop at the Lighthouse Park with its beautiful views and short trails.